Author: Adam S.

OCENS WeatherNet & GRIB Explorer: The Best Tools for Ocean and Weather Analysis

Getting current weather while out at sea, doesn't necessarily require a high speed satellite internet solution.  Many boaters use GRIB files, which are an efficient means of retreiving weather information over a low bandwidth connection.  To retireve and view GRIB fiels you need the proper service and software.

OCENS WeatherNet is the largest, most comprehensive source of weather data in t...


Tags : ocens

Meet The Team Tuesday: An Extra Special Edition

For over 40 years, Pete Wielandt has been a valued employee, team member, co-worker, and friend at Atlantic Radio Telphone. Pete is our Lead Service Technician and marine electronics guru. This week he is retiring. Pete’s vast knowledge and experience will be greatly missed by our team, customers, and vendors alike..

Every Tuesday we pick a team member to spotlight in our “Meet the Team Tuesday�...


Tags : iridium

September is National Preparedness Month

Every September FEMA organizes the National Preparedness Month providing an opportunity to remind us that we all must prepare ourselves and our families now and throughout the year. The 2018 National Preparedness Month will focus on planning, with an overarching theme: Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.


Tags : iridium

New Satellite Phone Accesory Kits

Whether you are out fishing on the water, taking your personal plane for a spin, or working to help save lives as an emergency responder your satellite phone has become an integral part of your routine. However each of these applications provides their own obstacles and needs, such as signal aid while on the water or the ability to charge your battery while in a remote area.

Over the past 15 years we have introdu...


Introducing the KVH Tracphone LTE-1: Extended Range Mobile Internet

Introducing the New KVH Tracphone LTE-1. Delivering high-performance LTE service for HD streaming and internet in the US. more than 20 miles offshore.  Now you can enjoy more reliable coverage and faster speeds than your cell phone. 


Tags : kvh

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